Healthy lifestyle during a quarantine

There are many useful articles online that share tips on “surviving” during quarantine. Well, in this post, I would like to share with you my recommendations on how to maintain healthy lifestyle, when you are locked-down at home. The tips I share with you are based on my own experience.

1. Get moving first thing in the morning

Not only will you will feel better you’ll be more energized and positive throughout the day. Thus, daily tasks would seem to be not as difficult to resolve and your current situation not as bad as it might have felt should you be a sedentary person.

Choose physical activity that you like and are used to. You probably don’t want to start something completely new since it might create additional stress on your body, in already stressful period of time.

If you aren’t a sport fan, do simple walking. Depending on your circumstances, go for a walk outside, walk on a treadmill or simply, do marching in place. Besides marching, you can do squats, push-ups and plank variation. Now, you’ve got a whole workout that you can perform without leaving your home.

Your main goal should be to break a sweat. If you feel lack of self-motivation, connect with your friends online by scheduling training time, and support each other. Share your achievements and positive energy generated from sport activities with others.

Continue reading Healthy lifestyle during a quarantine

Simple Oat Waffles

Oat waffles

These, not easy, days, we are spending more time indoors. When stressed, it is a natural body defense to crave comfort foods. As long as this is not a regular coping mechanism, comfort foods can really lift up our spirits. And, yes, there are much better and effective ways to relieve stress like doing yoga or weight training, for instance.

Even though, I keep working from home, I am not an exclusion in regards to having more free time for myself. One of the first things that came to mind to share with you my recipe for oat waffles. The recipe is very simple and leftovers can be frozen for future use. The waffles themselves are very comforting. Both, in taste and aroma 🙂

Cocoa Oat Waffles

Waffles is always a good idea, according to Donkey from Shrek movie. I cannot agree more.

When looking for a recipe, mostly of us are trying to find the one that is not too complicated in regards to ingredients or too much time consuming.

Prioritizing the healthy options, sometimes, it might be hard to find a good balance between taste and quality.

Continue reading Cocoa Oat Waffles

Weekend Cheese Pancakes

I call these cheese pancakes Weekend Cheese Pancakes, since weekend is the time when I actually manage to cook them. For understandable reasons, I cannot find time to prepare one of my favorite pancakes during the weekdays.

On Sunday mornings, I usually have online meetings with my clients. Then, I go for my run outdoors, and , afterwards, I like to treat myself with a delicious homemade meal. Cheese pancakes are one of the options. Continue reading Weekend Cheese Pancakes

Quick Tips: How to Survive the Holidays with a Minimum Damage to Your Figure. Як Пережити Свята з Мінімум Шкоди для Своєї Фігури.


Continue reading Quick Tips: How to Survive the Holidays with a Minimum Damage to Your Figure. Як Пережити Свята з Мінімум Шкоди для Своєї Фігури.

20 Ways to Improve Your Diet. 20 Способів Вдосконалити Своє Харчування.

20 Ways to Improve Your Diet

weight loss
Photo by Carissa Gan

While working with the people as a fitness nutritionist, I’ve seen the common areas in their diets that could be improved in order my clients would feel and look their healthiest. We all know what healthy eating is but in a flow of modern hectic life we tend to forget where to place our priorities. Unfortunately, we often neglect our health to stay on track with other areas in our lives such as jobs, schools, and family obligations.

I hope, you’ll find interesting and helpful to scroll through the infographic that I’ve created especially for you, my readers. Simply, click the title of the infographic below, and you’ll be redirected to the infographic itself.

Continue reading 20 Ways to Improve Your Diet. 20 Способів Вдосконалити Своє Харчування.

One Month Sugar Detox. Місяць Детоксу від Цукру.

sugar detox 1SV

Today, I’ve started my one month Sugar Detox. What is the reason? Why am I doing it?

First of all, I am not a fan of detox diets. I am positive that human body is doing a great job when it comes to cleaning itself and getting rid of toxins. My personal thought that many detox diets have a bigger chance to harm your body than do any good. Mainly, because they are created only for a short period of time, and often create protein and healthy fat deficiency. Sugar detox, on the other hand, is made to break the addiction not just to lose weight. Sugar addiction is real, and some of us have it, without even knowing. Unfortunately, sugar is hidden in many products we use on a daily basis. Ketchup, mustard, dressings, cereals, protein and energy bars, drinks and so many more. To make picture worse, sugar, as food ingredient, has other names that often mute our alertness.

Continue reading One Month Sugar Detox. Місяць Детоксу від Цукру.

Raw Cacao Nibs Protein Bars. Сирі Протеїнові Батончики з Кусочками Бобів Какао.

DIY protein bars

DIY protein bars are quite popular in my blog and I cannot get enough of them, to be honest. They are so versatile delicious, nutritious and convenient. By having a basic recipe, you can experiment with endless variations of your own. You can replace the walnuts with the almonds, for example, or with the sunflower seeds. Each time, you get a new flavour and a pleasant surprise for your taste buds 🙂

Continue reading Raw Cacao Nibs Protein Bars. Сирі Протеїнові Батончики з Кусочками Бобів Какао.

German Chocolate Protein Bars. Протеїнові Бари зі Смаком Шоколадного Торта.

German ChocolateProtein Bars

You’ve, probably, heard about the cake called German Chocolate Cake? Maybe, that is one of your favorite desserts. Well, today, I offer you the recipe for the protein bars that taste close to the German chocolate cake. Not as sweet, of course: there is no sugar. All the sweetness comes from the dates and the whey protein*, depending on which one you are using.

*Please be aware that the sweeteners that sport nutrition companies use in their protein powders nowadays are not completely researched, and may have the health side affects, if not instantly, then in years to come.

Choose your whey protein wisely! 


Continue reading German Chocolate Protein Bars. Протеїнові Бари зі Смаком Шоколадного Торта.

Green Energy Bars. Зелені Батончики “Енергія”.

Green energy bars

Hi fitness lovers! How is your energy level? Do you need extra carbs to give yourself boost before training?

I have a healthy option for you, Green Energy Bars. They are based on nuts and dried fruits. They do have protein. Or, if you don’t include whey protein powder to your diet, you can replace it with cacao powder, and they’ll become Chocolate Energy Bars 🙂 The decision is yours.

I love these bars because of their unique flavor. Just imagine how combination of almonds, dates, hemp seeds, shredded coconut, lemon juice and lemon zest might taste like. Yes, only great!

They could be done in less than 10 minutes. Refrigerating for at least 30 minutes before tasting is advisable but who can wait 😉

Because of their very high carbs content I would recommend these bars only to fuel your intense/high endurance training so you don’t get unwanted changes in your weight. Unless, your goal is to gain weight, of course.

Continue reading Green Energy Bars. Зелені Батончики “Енергія”.

Seasonal healthy foods: Brussels Sprouts with Pecans. Сезонні здорові страви: брюсельська капуста з грецькими горіхами.



  • 2 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
  • 1 cup pecans, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup cranberries
  • kosher salt and black pepper

Continue reading Seasonal healthy foods: Brussels Sprouts with Pecans. Сезонні здорові страви: брюсельська капуста з грецькими горіхами.

Seasonal healthy foods: Pumpkin Healthy Cookies. Сезонні страви: Гарбузові здорові тістечка для малюків і дорослих.



  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup quick oats
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup ground flax seeds
  • 3/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 3/4 cup raisins
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg

Continue reading Seasonal healthy foods: Pumpkin Healthy Cookies. Сезонні страви: Гарбузові здорові тістечка для малюків і дорослих.

Nutrition, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle