Tag Archives: healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle during a quarantine

There are many useful articles online that share tips on “surviving” during quarantine. Well, in this post, I would like to share with you my recommendations on how to maintain healthy lifestyle, when you are locked-down at home. The tips I share with you are based on my own experience.

1. Get moving first thing in the morning

Not only will you will feel better you’ll be more energized and positive throughout the day. Thus, daily tasks would seem to be not as difficult to resolve and your current situation not as bad as it might have felt should you be a sedentary person.

Choose physical activity that you like and are used to. You probably don’t want to start something completely new since it might create additional stress on your body, in already stressful period of time.

If you aren’t a sport fan, do simple walking. Depending on your circumstances, go for a walk outside, walk on a treadmill or simply, do marching in place. Besides marching, you can do squats, push-ups and plank variation. Now, you’ve got a whole workout that you can perform without leaving your home.

Your main goal should be to break a sweat. If you feel lack of self-motivation, connect with your friends online by scheduling training time, and support each other. Share your achievements and positive energy generated from sport activities with others.

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