Tag Archives: healthy dessert

Coconut Carrot Buckwheat Cookies. Кокосово-Морквяні Гречані Печення.

Coconut Carrot Buckwheat Cookies 1CBSV

My sugar detox journey continues, and so my sugar-free recipes keep coming to my blog 🙂

During week 2 of my sugar detox I’ve added carrots and high fiber whole-grains. It is important, not to go overboard with them. Add just one portion a day, about 2-3 crackers, or 1-2 of these carrot cookies, or 2-3 tablespoons cooked whole-grains. Also, make sure you combine your grains with healthy fats and protein in order to slow down the carb digestion.

Continue reading Coconut Carrot Buckwheat Cookies. Кокосово-Морквяні Гречані Печення.